Wheat Crop Production Technology Part-2

 BARANI AREA's 2020- 2021


Cultivation Procedure 

After 1st monsoon rain start to prepare land with mold bold plough (implement which invert the soil) or with chisel plough. So that the soil should be fertile and porous to the maximum depth for maximum absorption of water. After chiseling and ploughing, start wooden plank (Suhaga) on your field to eliminate or remove weeds and to spread out porous soil in these place, so that there should be more water conservation, this procedure should be before cultivation of wheat as per requirement. Before wheat sowing, run simple chisel plough at least two times and a hard wooden plank (Suhaga), So that WATTAR position of soil converts into upper layer of the soil. Make it possible of wheat drill sowing.

In case of fertilizer application, apply all recommended and required fertilizer before sowing and at the time of land preparation. There is a research in Barani University which includes that in Barani areas millet cultivation after wheat harvesting with in no time increases the cropping intensity.

Land preparation in Barani Area's

Double Cropping System in Barani Area's

According to different research studies it is resulted that in changing weather condition without facing any damage or difficulties to wheat crop, you can get an extra crop in kharif. Detailed information is given below;

Jantar and Millet cultivation as a green fertilizer

If there is a cultivation of jantar and millet in june and burry them in soil after 15 to 20 august (after about 2 months) then the fertility of the soil increases and you can achieve a good production of wheat crop.

Pasture Cultivation

In barani area's at the starting of rainy season there is a cultivation of  maize and millet as a pasture. If there is a cultivation of granular and non granular pasture at the rate of 70 and 30 proportion then you can get more benefits. 

Maize and Soybean mixed cropping

In the light of research studies it is clearly showed that in the starting of the rainy season there is a successful cultivation of maize and soybean mixed cropping and you can get a better wheat crop production as well. With this procedure soil fertility increases and you can get a good income per acre as well.

Weed control

To increase the capacity to conserve moisture and fertility in Barani area's it is important to cultivate crop in  kharif season because with this procedure weeds remains control due to which wheat crop remains productive and economically beneficial to the farmer as well as for the country.

Benefits and Procedure of Drill Sowing

It is very beneficial to a crop because it is an accurate method to apply fertilizers by which crop gets fertilizers more easily because fertilizers directly apply to the seed of the crop and remains more available  and its usefulness increases. Crop growth is uniform and high. Most farmers drill deep enough at sowing time due to which seed emergence becomes very late and seed plants emergence remains less and the crop becomes weak and crop production automatically becomes low. You should have to be more protective in wheat drill sowing. Adjust the drill in a method by which seed remains in the depth of 2 to 2.5 inches in the soil.

Drill Machine Calibration

Before sowing it is important to know the calibration of the drill machine means that the proportion of seed getting out from the machine. For this procedure first of all pour seed into the seed box. Cover every seed tube with the plastic bag. 

Run the drill machine with the tractor and after a short distance stop the drill machine and check the plastic bags on the seed tube and weigh the seed getting out from the seed tube to the plastic bags. Check the area by multiplying the width of the drill machine and the area covered by the machine. Divide the weight of the seed you got from the plastic bags to the area and you will get the rate per unit area of the seed.

Fertilizers Recommendation's for Wheat

For good production of a crop it is necessary to apply recommended fertilizer after noticing the laboratory test of the soil. For an accurate fertilizer recommendation you should have to notice all properties of the soil like fertility of soil, soil salinity, soil components, behavior, record of different last crop cultivation, quantity of canal or tube well water etc. There is soil laboratories and research station present in almost all districts of punjab from where all farmers can provide soil and tube well water sample for test through which they can identify their land and water properties and it will help them to recommend best application of fertilizer.
In case you have no soil test facility then there is chemical fertilizer recommendation is given below;


NOTE: Apply Fertilizer full dose at the time of cultivation.


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