Wheat Crop Production Technology Part-3

 Zinc and Boron Use in Wheat

For wheat crop use of Zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) 33% @ 6kg and Boric Acid 17% @ 2.5kg per acre at the time of sowing have good impacts on crop production.

Use of Local and Green Manure

Our soil contains very low organic matter contents. That's why to maintain physical health and basic fertility of the soil it is necessary to use local and green manure or farm yard manure. Use rotten waste of animal dung as green manure @ 8 to 10 ton (3 to 4 trolleys) and then before sowing of wheat cultivate Guara (BeeBlossom), Jantar (Sesbania bispinosa) or other granular commodities and burry them in the soil at flowering stage as a green manure.

Weed Eradication

To get a good and quality wheat production it is most necessary to eradicate weeds. Weed eradication can be done with the following procedures;

1- Non Chemical Control 
  • Exchange the crops and in wheat fields cultivate fodder crops like Berseem after every 3 to 4 years.
  • After 1st irrigation at the time of wattar  make sure double times harrow application if possible because of this almost all weeds eradicate and moisture conservation lasts for long time.
  • After crop emergence field can be weeds free with gardening tools like spade. This procedure is most effective if farmer have such a man power.

2- Chemical Control

With the cooperation of Agriculture extension department and crew of pest warning, use weed control weedicides and also make sure the following precautions discussed below;

  • To control broad and narrow leaf weeds use specific recommended weedicides.
  • Use these weedicides with more precautions in sandy and saline soils.
  • After application of weedicides don't apply any implement like spade or bar harrow.
  • After weedicides application don't use weeds as a fodder.
  • Don't apply double spray to any place and also make sure its application to all crop areas.
  • For quality spray application use specific nozzle like T-jet or Flat Fan.
  • Don't spray in heavy winds, fog and rain, as per recommendation spray in full sunshine.
  • Water quantity should be 100 to 120 liter per acre.
  • Make sure the spray application with the machine calibration.

Spray Machine Calibration.

Fill the spray machine with water to the recommended limit and spray on the crop like you are actually spraying the pesticides. when the water of the machine ends up then calculate this sprayed crop area. suppose it becomes the 8th part of an acre, So it means there is 8 water tankey is required to spray an acre. Now to spray an acre equally distribute the recommended dose of an acre into 8 parts and each single part of the dose is for the single tankey.

https://agriera.blogspot.com/2022/05/wheat-crop-production-technology-part-2.html https://agriera.blogspot.com/2022/04/wheat-crop-production-technology-part-1.html https://agriera.blogspot.com/2020/09/compost-natural-organic-fertilizer.html

Aphid Remedies... Mustard cultivation in wheat

At distance of 100 feet cultivate two lines of mustard/canola in wheat crop. 

Aphid attacks mustard crop first and beneficial insects also comes to this crop first. When aphid attacks on wheat then beneficial insects also transfer to wheat already and by eating then control this attack very efficiently with in few days. Aphid on mustard usually don't attack on wheat and aphid on wheat usually don't attack on mustard but the beneficial insects on both these crops eat the harmful insects like aphid on both crops and successfully control these attacks. And additionally you can get the extra income from the production of mustard crop. Proportional use of fertilizers can also reduce the aphid attack on the crops.

Producing Pure Wheat Seed

Farmer should cultivate healthy and recommended seed which is verified from the federal seed certification. However in case of unavailability of verified seed you should use at least approved wheat seed which you can prepare by yourself from your own crop. 

For this purpose you should take care of the following instructions;

  • Remove the non varietal plants from the field.
  • Weed control/eradication is necessary.
  • Diseased plants (loose smut) remove gently and cover them into plastic bag and burry these plants far from the fields.
  • To tie up the wheat bunches, use wheat straw or wheat grass of the same variety.
  • Use of any agricultural interference should be recommended from the agricultural department.
  • Cultivate different varieties with precautions in separate parts.
  • Clean the harvester or thresher before and after the harvesting. Don't take seed from the first two bags.
  • Mark the bags with variety name at the time of seed filling.
  • Moisture should be less than 10% in wheat seed.
  • For storage of seed, use airy and bright warehouse.
  • While seed cultivation, seed grading is necessary. 

Wheat Storage

  1. Moisture contents in wheat seed should be less than 10% while placing the stock into warehouse. Check the grain by cracking it with your teeth, if it make a dry noise than it means moisture level is perfect. If it does not sound noisy and you feel moisture contents more than dry the seed in the sunlight.
  2. New bags should be used for the storage of the stock. In other case old bags can be used by drying after spaying with pesticides solutions to fill with wheat seed and then store in the warehouse as per recommendations of agricultural department. If possible, use Hermatic bags for storage. Hermatic Bags are airtight bags that prevent air and water entering into it. and it is important to know that these bags prevent the contents while restricting the existence of cereal pests by depleting oxygen supply levels and producing CO2
  3. If there is any cracks and wholes in walls cover them with soil or cement as soon as possible. And then spray the warehouse with agricultural department recommendations. After this procedure close the warehouse at least for 48 hours and then open it. After this don't enter into it for 4 to 6 hours. Clean the warehouse carefully.
  4. If there is any attack of rats and insects then use Aluminum phosphide 30 to 35 pallets @ 1000 cubic feet for their control. If the stock is in open air then cover it with a plastic sheet and preserve from air contact. Warehouse should be fumigate twice a year. First at the time of storage and secondly at the time of rainy season when moisture contents usually increases. At the time of fumigation, warehouse should be closed and make sure that no air should enter into it. In other case effect of poisonous gas will be waste. Warehouse should be closed for at least 7 days. After opening the warehouse don't enter into it for at least 4 to 6 hours. For fumigation process poison pallets should be enclose into a piece of cloth and after that remove the ash gently from the stock, and burry them far from the warehouse because it is poisonous. And take care specially this ash contents should not mix into the stock. 
  5. To prevent from rat, make appropriate poison pallets and place them into the rats ways, by doing this rats eat them becomes dead.  


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