COMPOST/ Natural Organic Fertilizer

 The process of decomposition of organic matters is known as composting.

How to make compost at home.

In this process organic matters (remaining of different crops, farm yard manure, waste of poultry an its products and leaves and twigs also involve in organic matter) first treated with the help of bacteria and different earth worms and then is used in the soil. With the addition of compost in the soil increases soil fertility and helps to make a better soil structure. Compost pH is 7 and it contains silver releasing nitrogen, phosphorous, micronutrients and potash in it. Compost increases efficiency of nutrients uptake or nutrients supply to a plant due to which we can avoid the use of inorganic fertilizers. Naturally process of preparation of composting is a time taking process. But this process can be boost up with involvement of a person. You should take care of use of a prepared compost otherwise such compost which is partially processed or incomplete processing of a compost could damage your crop. And most of the time people says that we had used farm yard manure and plants became yellow, you should keep in mind that a proper compost is odorless, little bit moist and porous.

Preparation of Compost

With the use of such procedure first of all collect the following components at a place in a farm or dig a hole with depth of 5 feet, 15 feet length and 10 feet width and cover with a plastic sheet whose edges should be 6 feet outside from the hole from every side. Following are the components;
  1. Farm yard manure or Animal waste 65%.
  2. Remaining of crop plants (twigs, leaves, seed and rotten fruit etc.)
  3. Vegetables waste or remaining and waste fruits.
  4. 15% of total compost should be poultry litter.
  5. Urea and raw sugar which should be kept from a long time.
  6. Other organic matter available on farm.
Use all these components with the recommended quantity at a suitable place with layer by layer arrangements and take care of it that all these components are present in the layers. There is most important thing is that farm yard manure pour into the hole after 7 days when it completely remove heat from it and then give a shower. After a week with the help of instrument like spade convert these layers to make aeration in it And then press it with the help of tractor and for 2 months leave it to decompose. In between this time provide proper water shower to it. If it is covered with black polythene sheet through which sunlight can not pass, it will be better for it. Check after 60-80 days, if dumped material is porous and odorless then it means your compost is ready. With your understanding and keeping in your mind about soil test report and you can concern with agriculturist about per acre quantity of compost. Usually 7-15 ton compost can be applied in per acre land. 
Compost contains organic matter ratio or quantity is as follows;
  • Nitrogen 5%
  • Phosphorous 6%
  • Potash 4%

Keep in mind that compost is antibiotic and is more helpful in growth of fruit plants, it increase the sustainability of orchards due to which plants remains green and resistant to different diseases.


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