Wheat Crop production technology Part - 1

 BARANI AREA's 2020-2021


Wheat is an important crop of Pakistan and like in most of the other countries wheat is as much important staple food crop like others. its the basic need of every human being and is used in daily life. It is a major crop but the main point is that it is a need of now a days to increase the production of wheat to fulfill the basic production as concerning the increasing population of the world. All the concerning Govt. performs different activities to increase the production and to provide benefits to the growers, farmers with the best seed treatment and by giving different types of subsidies to the farmers every year just to fulfill the nutritional needs of the nation. It is the govt. programs through different seminars, movements and activities by which farmers gets full use of latest technologies and different research methods just to increase the per acre wheat production. With all these activities farmers gets benefits and also contributes in national interests. 
Wheat Production

To gain the better and qualitative production of the crop it is important to use the variety free from disease and it should be clean and healthy. The better quality of wheat variety and the time of sowing is given below;
20-Oct- to 15-Nov.
  • MARKAZ-19   
  • BARANI-2017
  • EHSAN -2016
  • FATEH JANG-2016
  • PAKISTAN-2013
  • DHARABI-2011 *
  • BARAS-2009
                     All these varieties can be grow in the Barani areas of Punjab Pakistan except DHARABI-2011 because it can be grow in all Barani area's of Pakistan.     

Importance Of Appropriate Wheat sowing Time

To get a value able production of wheat, wheat appropriate sowing time is very much important which is 20-Nov. to 30-Nov. According to department authorities of agriculture, late wheat sowing decreases the production on daily basis. Here we can see that the farmers continue wheat sowing till the month of January, due to which 50% of wheat production decline appears in this result. That's why farmers are instructed of timely and appropriate wheat sowing due to which they can provide benefit to themselves as well as there country. 

SEED Quantity

Approved and good quality wheat seed is required about 40 t050 kg per acre.

Poison Application to Seed

There are different types of diseases found in wheat crop like, Kangyari, Karnaal Bunt, Wheat Blast, Rust etc. are most dangerous as these diseases badly affects the crop production. So, to prevent the crop from such dangerous diseases, before sowing of the seed it is important to apply Thiophenate Methyl @ 2 - 2.5 grams per kg of seed or Imidacloprid+Taboconazol @ 2ml per kg of seed. It will be better if the seed and poison will mix in round circular drum. 
Seed Dressing Drum

If in case it is not available then fill half of the plastic bag with seed and pour the poison in it and mix well by holding both corners of plastic bag, shake bag as well as the poison reach to every single grain of seed. 

Measurement of an Acre

Measurement of acre varies in different area's of Punjab. Mostly an acre contains 8 kanals but at some places it is about a little more than 7 kanals and at some places it is about 9 kanals. But here we consider 1 acre of 8 kanals which means  43560 ft2 . Farmers are requested that they should measre there agriculture land before any quantitative application of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides etc.


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