MAIZE Production technology (Part 2)

Maize Production Technology 

Weeds Control in Maize

For the good production of maize crop it is necessary to control the weeds. For a rough estimate due to weeds the maize production decreases up to 50%. For the control of weeds one should follow the following recommendations;

weeds in maize crop

Instructions: Recommendations for the control of weeds.

Sr. No.

Weeds Type


Important Weeds

Procedure of control


Grass Family

Narrow leaves of plants with parallel veins and stem spread on ground or hard erected.

Khabbal, Madhana, jangli, swank, Dumb grass, Bansi grass etc.

Pendimethalene 330E @2liter per acre or

S-Metolachlore+Atrazine 720SC @800ml/acre in 120 liter water after 24 hours of 1st irrigation. For grass shaped and broad leaves weeds use branded spray pesticide and in case of Khabbal grass or Bru use mould bould plough to invert the soil to make it dry.


Weeds of Triangular shaped leaves

Narrow long leaves

Dela or Mork etc.

In case of Dela use Halosulfuran methyl 75%WDG @20gram/acre in 120 liter of water.


Weeds of Broad leaves

Leaves are broad, soft and sweaty, plants spread on soil with twigs slightly up from the soil.

Itsit,  lehli, krund, bathu, tandla, Cholai, bhakhra, dhodhak, jangli palak, chibbar, meena, drank, hazardani, and jangli haloon etc.

Pendimethalene 330E @2 liter/acre in 120 liter of water after 24 hours of 1st irrigation, or after weeds emergence Atrazine 38SC @330 ml/acre in case of 2-3 leaves spray in 120 liter of water.

Use Of Chemical Fertilizers 

Basic soil fertility, soil salinity, soil type and nature, quality of available water, different types of crops cultivation and the basic factors of the last crop, all these things are the main causes on which one can assumes the fertilizers recommendations and necessity. So it is necessary for the farmers to laboratory check up of the soil samples and apply the recommended fertilizers to the land. For sweet corn and the pop corn use simple types of fertilizers. 

Recommendation 1

Fertilizers Recommendations for the Hybrid Varieties

Quantity of Nutrients kg/acre

Chemical Fertilizers Quantity (bags/acre)

Soil Type



Pot. (K)

At Sowing Time

5-6 Leaves emergence

8-10 Leaves emergence

At least 15 days before Flowering stage

Weak Soil

Organic matter less than 0.87% and Phosphorous (P) less than 7ppm, Potash (K) less than 80ppm.




DAP 3bags+ SOP 2 bags+ ¼ bag of urea or 7 and half bags of SSP (Single Super Phosphate 18%)+ SOP 2 bags+ 1.5 bag urea

1.25 bag urea

1.25 bag urea

1.25 bag urea

Normal Soil

Org. matter 0.87-1.29%, Phos.(P) 7-14ppm, Potash(K) 80-180ppm




DAP 2.5 bags+1.5 bags SOP or 6.5 bags SSP (18%)+ 1.5bag SOP+ 1bag Urea

1 bag urea

1 bag urea

1 bag urea

Fertile Soil

Org. matter more than 1.29, Phos. (P) more than 14ppm,

Potash (K) more than 180ppm




DAP2 bag+ SOP 1 bag or

5 bags SSP(18%)+ 1 bag SOP+ slightly less than 1 bag urea

1 bag urea

0.75 bag urea

0.75 bag urea

Recommendation 2

Fertilizers Recommendations for common varieties (Irrigated Area’s)

Soil Type

Quantity of Nutrients kg/acre

Chemical Fertilizers Quantity bags/acre





At Sowing Time

3-6 leaves emergence

8-10 leaves emergence

15 days before flowering

1.Weak Soil

Org. matter less than 0.87%, Phos. (P) less than 7ppm, Potash(K) less than 80ppm




2.5 bag DAP+1.5bag SOP or

6.5 bag SSP(18%)+1.5 bag SOP+1 bag urea

1 bag urea

1 bag urea

1 bag urea

2.Normal Soil

Org. matter 0.87-1.29, Phos. (P) 7-14ppm, Potash(K) 80-180ppm




2bag DAP+ 1.5 bag SOP or 5 bag SSP (18%)+1.5 bag SOP+ 3/4 bag urea

1 bag urea

1 bag urea

3/4 bag urea

3.Fertile Soil

Org. matter more than 1.29%, Phos. (P) more than 14ppm, Potash(K) more than 180ppm





1.5 bag DAP+ 1 bag SOP or 4bag SSP(18%)+ 1 bag SOP + half bag urea

1 bag urea

3/4 bag urea

3/4 bag urea

Recommendation 3

Fertilizers Recommendations for common varieties (Barani Area’s)


Quantity of Nutrients kg/acre

Chemical Fertilizers Quantity bags/acre






Less Rainfed Area’s




1 bag DAP+ 2bag Ammonium Nitrate+half bag SOP or

1 bag DAP+ 1 bag urea+ half bag SOP or

2.5 bag SSP (18%)+ 1.5 bag urea+ half bag SOP

More Rainfed Area’s




1.5 bag DAP+2.5 bag Ammonium Nitrate+1 bag SOP or

1.5 bag DAP+ 1.5 bag urea+ 1bag SOP or

4 bag SSP (18%)+ 2 bag urea+ 1 bag SOP

Instruction's about Use of Fertilizers

  • Apply farm yard manure before one month of sowing @ 9-12 ton (almost 3-4 trolley's) per acre
  • Fertilizers application at the time of sowing must be applied before beds preparation
  • In Barani area's the recommended fertilizers must be applied at sowing time

Use of Zinc and Boron

In case of zinc and boron deficiency in maize crop then application of zinc sulfate 21% @ 10kg or zinc sulfate 33% @ 6kg while 3kg Borax (11% boron) per acre should also be applied.

Deficiency Symptoms of Essential Nutrients 


In case of Nitrogen deficiency the growth of the crop plants became restricted, the leaves turns yellowish. In case of severe deficiency the old leaves affects more and after this these symptoms appears in new leaves. The yellowish color in the leaves starts from the pointed edge and narrow sides and moves towards the broad sides and after that leaves turns into brown.


The crop growth restricts and the roots system becomes slower and weak. The leaves narrow pointed edges color turns into purple and the leaf looks dark green.


At start of potassium deficiency the white spots appears on the leaf surface, that turns into brown later.

Crop Resistance

When crop becomes mature and ready for harvesting then farmer should harvest the crop just because if the crop is not harvested after the maturation time then the grain can suppress easily and the it causes the loss of weight and the crop growth also affects. In case of late picking the plants starts to fall down and in case of rain the grains start affected by fungus due to which the rate decreases automatically. The symptoms of maize crop maturation is that the inner parts of corn starts to dry and the pointed edge of the grains turns into black and the main thing remove the cover of the maize and pinch with nails into the grains if the grains hard and nails not affect the corn grain it means the crop is ready for harvesting. After picking the corns remove their covers and spread them on separate places which is already made for it. When after throwing the corns on one another starts removing grains with it and when the grain make voice of cracking after breaking with teeth then it means the corn dries completely. Now remove the grains with the help of sheller. At this time the grains contains 15% moisture. If you wants to store the crop then the moisture should be less than 10%.  

Maize Important Diseases and Its Control

Seed and Seedling Diseases

In case of this disease the seed does not emerge from the soil or if emergence occurs then after 3-9 inches growth it starts wilting and became dead. Different types of fungus are responsible for such diseases.
seedling disease appears in corn plants


To protect seed from such diseases, treat seed with the recommend fungicide.

Stalk Rot

This disease of stalk rot in maize is common and dangerous disease in it. Plants commonly starts decaying from second node downside to upside. The affected parts of the plant cause a different smell. The disease severe attack turns the leaves yellowish and after that leaves starts to dry. Plants decay into soil from the affected nodes. 

Bacterial stalk rot disease

In this disease if the plants does not decay into soil then the corns hang downward.  The corn grains remains small and unripen, which leads to the great disaster in the production. Following fungus and bacteria's are responsible for this disease;
  1. Fusarium moniliforme 
  2. Diplodia maydis
  3. Erwinia crysanthamae
  4. Macrophomina phaseolina
  5. Cephalosporium maydis


  • First of all you need to select the resistant varieties against stalk rot. 
  • Maintain the fertility of the field especially focus on the deficiency of the potassium.
  • Nitrogenous fertilizers application should be in uniform quantity or should not be used in excess quantity.
  • Infected fields should be cultivated other than maize crop and in such fields crop rotation is necessary.
  • Seed should be treat with fungicide before sowing.
  • Destroy the remaining's of the crop after harvesting as soon as possible.
  • Row to Row and Plant to Plant distance should be as per recommended.
  • Irrigation should be applied properly on the crop need and remove the excess rain water from the field.
  • In growth period, remove the infected plants from the field along with roots and destroy it away from the field.

Smut Of Maize

Smut of maize is caused by the attack of a fungus named Ustilago maydis. This severe disease is mostly caused in southern area's.
smut disease in maize crop

Symptoms of the Disease

The fungus that attacks on the crop plants infect the plants and white and dark Gall's appears on the plants. These gall's appears on male parts, the leaves and plants canopy. On the completion of maturation of these gall's, it bursts and from inside black powder with its spores comes out and appears on these surfaces. When these gall's formed on the corns then the grains formation stops and it affects the growth badly. 


  • In this case cultivation of resistant varieties are preferred.
  • Stop the maize cultivation for the few years in infected fields.
  • Collect the remaining stubbles and crop residues and burn away from the field.
  • Seed treatment with fungicide is necessary before sowing.

Leaf Blight of Maize

These two fungus named Helminthosporium turcicum and Helminthosporium maydis are responsible for this disease of leaf blight in maize. This dangerous disease not only decreases the crop production but also decreases the quality of fodder when it is used as a fodder crop for animals. 

Corn leaf disease

Symptoms of the Disease

This disease symptoms appears on the leaves surface in the form of small and larger white and brownish spots. Which spreads in the leaf length direction up to 6 inches.


  • Cultivate the resistant varieties of the maize crop.
  • Destroy the remaining's of the last year infected crop.
  • In case of this disease contact with the crew of department of agriculture extension and use the suitable pesticide with their recommendation.


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