Sugarcane Part-3

 Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)

1-Fertigation Process

It is a process in which we apply fertilizers and nutrients with the help of irrigation to increase the nutrients efficiency in increasing growth and yield of the crop. As we know that sugarcane is major crop which produces biomass generally in huge amount of nutrient elements. At this time in 2022 fertilizer application is worst challenge for the common farmers that is why there is a need of improvement in fertilizers use efficiency for more benefits. So in such conditions it is the best way of fertilizers application to the crop, where in "Fertigation" with both water and fertilizers are applied to the crop through center pivot irrigation system.

  • Fertigation is a process which contains uniform nutrients or fertilizer application.
  • For fertigation process, fertilizer tank and injector pump is used.
  • Ensure the uniform flow of water to provide nutrients uniformly with irrigation, with both flood or drip irrigation to increase growth rates for higher yields.
  • This process improves the availability of nutrients and with uniform water supply with nutrients also considered helpful for availability of nutrients to the roots.
  • It is the process, which is safe because it removes the fear of burning the root system.
  •  Improves fertilizers application or we can say fertilizers use efficiency.
  • It reduces the mechanical damage to the crops and also helpful in removing soil compaction.
  • Micronutrients which are helpful for crops in low amount are also applied without any disturbance, applied in small concentration.

2-Sugarcane Lodging

Mainly the lodging time of sugarcane crop is August and September and there is also chance of lodging in July just because if the crop is much healthier.

Lodging creates a lot of losses to the sugarcane crop like reduction in yield, damage due to mice, germination of buds, sugar recovery reduction etc., Lodged crop also becomes the cause of frost and for next time, lodged crop can not be used as a seed crop. Lodging could be happens due to different reasons like cane variety, sowing time, sowing method, fertilizer application time, rainfall, irrigation and mainly or mostly due to storms.

Earthing up is a process to prevent crop from lodging and it is done at the time of maximum tillering phase.

Reasons of sugarcane lodging

  • Row to Row distance of trenches if reduces then the cane height will be long and slim and the cane will lodge. 
  • If there is compaction in the field and the land is not well prepared deeply then the root system will affects (root growth restricts due to hard pan) and cane will be lodged in the storm.
  • In massive crops, lodging usually quick.
  • Late fertilizer application mostly converts the crop in soft and weak.
  • Crop usually planted in September have massive growth and it tend to lodge more.
Note; Sugarcane crop planted in trenches 4 feet apart have less chance of lodging because of the cane growth which is healthy and strong cane plants. Earthing up is a better way of preventing cane crop from lodging, if practiced in a good way, it also prevents the water loss. 

3-Weed Control

Sugarcane is a perennial crop as it remains in the same field in the duration of 3 to 4 years. So that is why weeds of all types like narrow leaves or broad leaves, seasonal, annual and perennial are grows in the field in between the cane crop and compete with the crop for nutrients, space and light. Weed control is most necessary because weeds creates a favorable environment for different types of diseases and in the development of insects which badly affects the sugarcane crop.

Common weeds of Sugarcane

  • Cynodon dactylon (Chabbar)
  • Euphorbia granulata (Hazardani)
  • Rumex obtusifolius (Jangli palik)
  • Trianthema portulacastrum (Itsit)
  • Digitaria sanguinalis (Moti khabal)
  • Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis L (Lehli/naro)
  • Dactyloctenium aegyptium (Madhana)
  • Portulaca oleracea (Qulfa, Loonak). 
  • Scirpus maritimus (Deela)
  • Melilotus (Sinjhi)
  • Tribulus terrestris (Bakhra)
  • Cyperus rotundus (Morak - Kabah)

Mechanical Weed Control

After sowing with the difference of one month apply hoeing to the field with the help of a hand tool named "Khurpi" or spade and the process should be repeated frequently. With the help of local plough or cultivator, destroy the weeds after the completion of the germination. After the crop germination and at tillering process "about 90 days after sowing" destroy the trenches by using cultivator or local plough. With this method a one can control not only the harmful weeds but also increase the sprouting and tillers and also destroys insects and helpful for the aeration in the soil. Some farmers or cane developers make best use of this method by cultivation of different crops in between the cane crop as a mixed crop.

Chemical Weed Control


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