Sugarcane Part-1
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Belongs to Poaceae as well as Gramineae family. It is a species of tall, perrenial grass used for sugar production. It is almost 2 -6 meter tall with stout, jointed, fibrous stalks that are rich in sucrose which accumulates in stalk internodes. Sugarcane and Bamboo Relationship Sugarcane related to bamboo because they belong to same grass family. Their body parts also bear similar names like stems, nodes, internodes etc. And they both grow as tall canes or narrow stalks. Economic Importance Sugarcane is an important industrial and cash crop and it's a world wide cultivated crop which is cultivated in more than 100 countries. Sugarcane from its earlier time to this time increasing the social and economical value of human society because of its increasing production with the time. Sugarcane is basically falls in food industry which provides us raw sugar, refine...