MAIZE Production technology (Part 2)
Maize Production Technology Weeds Control in Maize For the good production of maize crop it is necessary to control the weeds. For a rough estimate due to weeds the maize production decreases up to 50%. For the control of weeds one should follow the following recommendations; weeds in maize crop Instructions: Recommendations for the control of weeds. Sr. No. Weeds Type Identification Important Weeds Procedure of control 1 Grass Family Narrow leaves of plants with parallel veins and stem spread on ground or hard erected. Khabbal, Madhana, jangli, swank, Dumb grass, Bansi grass etc. Pendimethalene 330E @2liter per acre or S-Metolachlore+Atrazine 720SC @800ml/acre in 120 liter water after 24 hours of 1 st irrigation. For grass shaped and broad leave...