Is Sun causing Global Warming?

Is Sun causing Global Warming?

No. The Sun can impact the Earth's atmosphere, yet it isn't in charge of the warming pattern we've seen in the course of recent decades. The Sun is a supplier of life; it helps keep the planet sufficiently warm for us to endure. We know unobtrusive changes in the Earth's circle around the Sun are in charge of the comings and goings of the ice ages. Be that as it may, the warming we've seen throughout the most recent couple of decades is too quick to ever be connected to changes in Earth's circle, and too vast to even think about being brought about by sun powered movement.

The character of the Earth's climate system is shaped by the general circulation of the atmosphere and oceans, the winds and currents that move heat and moisture around the planet. The main source of the energy that drives these circulations is the Sun.
Change in the amount of energy emitted by the Sun is a prime candidate as a cause of climate variability. And there is no doubt that on the longest timescales of Earth's geological history, trends in solar output have played a major role in shaping the Earth's climate – and will continue to do so in the future.


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